My Liebster Award


To my great surprise, this blog was nominated for the “Liebster Award” an award that is passed from blogger to blogger in order to help readers find new blogs to follow and for bloggers new to the community to expand their reach.

The nomination came from a new-found fellow blogger friend who participated with me in a Blogging 101 training session. My award came from Irmgard Rahn and her mostly German language blog BOOKS OF REALITY. She received the nomination from a fellow Blogging 101 participant and describes the award in her post Mein liebster Award.

The rules of the Liebster Award are these:LiebsterAward-badge

1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer 10 questions that the blogger gives you.
3. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 blogs with under 200 followers.
5. Notify the bloggers that you have nominated them.
6. Give them 10 questions to answer.

The first rule is satisfied above. Never one to follow the expected path, the next two rules, to answer the tem questions posed and to present tem random facts, I answer in my blog Ludwig’s Ramblings. This blog, Café Ludwig, has not been my place for many personal chats. I used the newly launched Ludwig’s Ramblings for interactions and assigned tasks in the Blogging 101 course. It seems fitting to me to make it part of my Liebster Award response, so go there for my answers and tidbits.

For my nominees I have also chosen from Blogging 101 colleagues.

… and my nominees are

Third Time Lucky

through my lens


Down Many Roads …



Birds as Poetry

snapshots of everything

Dutch goes the Photo!

I found the blogs that I have nominated above to be delightful, pleasant and interesting. I hope that you, my dear reader, will visit them and enjoy these blogs. They may not yet be the most polished in many ways, but I am sure you will find them “a good read”.

Here are my questions for my nominees

  1. How long does it take you from the moment an idea pops up to pushing the Publish button?
  2. How much time do you spend online in a typical week?
  3. What other passions do you have besides blogging?
  4. What do you value in blogs you read?
  5. How often do you carry a camera with you?
  6. Are pictures more or less important than the story in your posts?
  7. How long have you been blogging?
  8. Do you have more than one blog?
  9. Have you bought any art from an individual artist online?
  10. What means do you use to follow blogs, computer, tablet, smartphone?


LK8_5231-p2-1024This being a photography related blog, it would be unseemly to not include a photo.

How about just a close-up of a tag? This one even leads you to yet another blog of mine if you just click the image.

Will that do?



© 2016 Ludwig Keck

2 comments on “My Liebster Award

  1. […] blog Café Ludwig has been nominated for the Liebster Award by Irmgard Rahn, BOOKS OF REALITY. Irmgard was a fellow […]


  2. Alasarami says:

    Reblogged this on through my lens and commented:
    Thank you for nominating my blog, very kind of you!

    Liked by 1 person

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